We only offer bundle purchase on our picture rail systems. In Dita Colour, we understand that there are different needs and demands requested by our customers. You may bundle your picture rail system together with compatible hooks/cords and accessories.
Having problems?
Which picture rail system to apply?
Our hanging systems accommodate many diverse objects like whiteboards, clocks, mirrors, quilts, seasonal decoration and any other object that is flat enough, has proper hanging hardware and doesn’t exceed the maximum load capacity. So feel free to get creative!
And which hooks and cords should I pick?
This depends on the type of rail you have chosen, the weight you wish to hang from the rail and the look you prefer. There are many options on how to hang pictures with cords and hooks.
Step #1
Logon to www.picturehangingsystems.my and click on ‘PICTURE HANGING SYSTEMS’, and then select the type of picture rail system.
Step #2
In another way, you can also access the product by entering the sidebar category listing.
Click on the ‘PICTURE HANGING SYSTEMS’ and ignore the dropdown menu. You will find the product category listing appears on left sidebar and all our picture rail system products appear on right, including ‘STAS CLIPRAIL’.
Step #3
The picture rail system product page shown, and you may select your preferred variation and quantity.
For single hooks/cords and accessories product purchasing, please click here for more information.
Step #4
You shall also identify your needs and pick your preferred hooks/cords and accessories that compatible with the picture rail system that you had chosen. About how to pick the suitable picture rail system to match with hooks/cords, please feel free to view here for guidelines.
For example as shown, STAS CLIPRAIL can works together with STAS COBRA + PERLON CORD, STAS ZIPPER and finishing by STAS CLIPRAIL END CAP.
The bundle price is calculated as RM351.00 after total up all the items as selected.
Step #5
If you have changed your mind and would like to make changes on the option that you have done, simply click the <Clear> text to reset and make a new selection.
Step #6
For example, you can set your new selection as 200 cm and our system will automatically update the bundle price to RM371.00 based on the recent selection that you had just made.
If you would like to buy more than 1 set of this picture rail system product inclusive all its other items that you had just selected, simply update the bundle quantity next to the <Add to cart> button. The bundle quantity is set to 1 as default.
After confirmed, click the <Add to cart> button to add the product in cart.